Welcome to True2Forms

Focused on small businesses, organizations and teams True2Forms is the place for you to create and manage all your forms. Forms can be created with and without associated payments. Get started in minutes with our templates, your existing PDF’s or a blank page. Let’s go!

Better forms, better fun

Spend your time on your business, club, seminar, workshop, team practices and not on distributing forms, collecting money, and reminding stragglers :)


Integrating forms with payments is the awesome magic that True2Forms has mastered. The art of easy integration will allow you to collect one-time and ongoing payments for anything, yes anything.


With True2Forms you will know who filled out which forms and when, as well as who paid and who did not. Finally, it’s simple to keep track.

Notifications (SMS, etc)

No time to check? No worries! True2forms will send you notification for anything you want. Who filled out that important form in time? Ping, check your phone!

Easy to start

With True2Forms you can get going within minutes. Using our easy to use templates you can create forms, start sending them out and collecting payments today! Click the signup button or any picture on this page to get started. Its free to try. Hey what are you waiting for? Let’s go :)